Let America Know

Email Newsletters and Social Media for Lawyers
The Objective: Let America Know™ was created to accomplish two objectives: 1) Mount an effective grassroots campaign that would improve the public perception of trial lawyers, and 2) provide trial lawyers with an affordable, effective, easy-to-use online tool to market their practice.
The Strategy: Steve Miller, Welland Laike principal, co-founded Let America Know with a prominent Minneapolis trial lawyer. Hence, Welland Laike provides marketing and public relations support at every level of the organization. We are also deeply involved in the monthly publication and delivery of You Should Know, the customizable e-newsletter that is at the heart of the program.
The Results: Since Let America Know was launched in September 2009, the program has been endorsed and actively promoted by the leadership of several state trial lawyer associations and the American Association for Justice. More than 250 lawyers have joined the program and have reported receiving highly positive comments from clients and referral sources, as well as case referrals. Plans are in the works to expand and extend the program to other states throughout the country.